Immerse yourself in the profound themes of 'Vanity, Modesty and Death' on stunning plexiglass. This work of art, which explores the transience of life and the eternal struggle between vanity and modesty, takes on a modern dimension in this medium. The rich details and contrasts stand out beautifully, making every room a talking point. Available in four impressive sizes: 60 x 90, 80 x 120, 100 x 150 and 120 x 180 cm. A profound choice for art lovers seeking both aesthetics and meaning. Exclusive to Zeitaku Art.

The artwork "Vanity, Modesty and Death" is a profound reflection on the human condition, exploring universal themes of transience and morality. Created by an unknown Renaissance master, it depicts three figures that embody the title themes. Vanity is depicted as a young woman admiring herself in a mirror, Modesty as a clothed woman who disapproves of her, and Death as a looming shadow in the background. The artist used muted colors and detailed shadows to create a somber atmosphere, inviting the viewer to introspect on life and its transience.

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